Saturday, May 17, 2014

H shaped paper mache letter!

Hey guys! So I made a H shaped paper mache letter filled with candy! (To be birthday present for a friend) Here's how: 

Bedore you do anthing you need the materials, 

 Your goo to hold it all together (I used a mixture of flour and water):
                   Balloons (for a solid foundation, you'll pop them once everything's dry):
 And newspaper:

So first you're going to just start by covering the balloons with the paper mache by dunking the newspaper in the goo and sticking it on the balloon, it should look like this when your done: 
Make sure not to cover one of the ends of the balloon! Otherwise you can't put candy in! 

(Sorry, I didn't put the center piece of the H in the picture, I hadn't made it yet!)

So here's what it looks like after it dries: 
(I just left it it outside somewhere safe to dry it)

Then assemble the pieces in the shape you want:

After that you plaster together the pieces with the paper mache 
It should look like this:
(Sorry, this outside so the lighting isn't great)

Let it dry, then it should look like this:

After that I suggest put another layer of paper mache over the whole thing to strengthen it. let it dry, then pop the balloons and take them out. Stuff the letter with candy, (a pencil helps with the stuffing.) Oh, and don't bother trying to stuff the middle beam in the center of the H, that would be super annoying and hard.
(Sorry, I forgot to take pictures at this part, It was the night before the party and I was trying to hurry. :P)
Then wad up two pieces of news paper and put them on top of the candy to make the ends rounded like the other ones, then cover the top with paper mache and let it dry.

After it drys, decorate it any way you like! 
You can paint it, cover it with squares of tissue paper like the piƱatas you see at the store, add bows, beads, whatever you think the person you're making it for would like! Just remember that it is just going to be ripped apart to get the candy inside so you shouldn't spend too much on it.
I just painted the one I made. 
Here's the finished result!

Hope you like the idea for gift! 
Try it sometime and let me now how it works out! 

Comment below if you have any questions or would like to say anything about it! 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Beaded bobby pins!

Hey guys! So this morning I couldn't figure out what to do with my hair (I have Co-op on Wednesdays) then I thought of  making a beaded bobby pin! Mom got me this book for Christmas:

It's a book/kit to make beaded bobby pins! It comes with bobby pins, sead beads, larger more decorative beads, and some nice thin wire.

I thought I'd try making one for my hair and it worked out really well!

 Here's a couple pictures of it:

I think it looks pretty good considering it's my first try! 

Let me know in the comments if you want a tutorial on how to make it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Other water color thing I did today... (Fail)

So before I had done the "girl inspired by Narnia" which was on watercolor paper, I tried to color in a picture with paint I had drawn a while ago... 


      Don't try to paint on normal paper!!!

I mean, I already knew it would shrivel up/wrinkle, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. 
So, I have a wrinkly picture now. xD 

Picture I drew/watercolored inspired by Narnia

So this is a picture I drew/watercolored inspired by Lucy when she uses the spell book, obviously it doesn't look like her, the pose is just the same. Wow, her skin shows up a lot more yellow on camera... It's looks better in real life!

This is the picture from the movie:

              Leave a comment to let me know what you think!

Introduction to my Blog!!

Hey! So this blog is going to be about all the crafty things I do and want to share! Warning: this is my first blog ever, so it might not be very good, but I will try my best! I hope you like it!